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发表时间:2023-02-25 21:41:44  来源:资讯  浏览:次   【】【】【
      「伞」      世界上第一把伞在中国出世(appear/ be invented),而后经过约3500年的发展,逐渐成为一种日常消费品(a consumer product),品种多样且用途广泛。     .


      世界上第一把伞在中国出世(appear/ be invented),而后经过约3500年的发展,逐渐成为一种日常消费品(a consumer product),品种多样且用途广泛。

      随着时间的发展(as time goes by),伞也逐渐演变出不同的功能与形态。

      世界上第一把伞在中国出世(appear/ be invented),而后经过约3500年的发展,逐渐成为一种日常消费品(a consumer product),品种多样且用途广泛。

      随着时间的发展(as time goes by),伞也逐渐演变出不同的功能与形态。


      伞的组要构成为伞骨(rib)、伞面(canopy)和伞柄(handle)。常见伞柄包括弯形伞柄(crook handle), C型伞柄(C-handle)等。

      除以上主要构成外,伞的其他部分还包括:支骨(stretcher)、中棒(shaft)、上巢(notch)、下巢(runner)、子弹头(cap)、珠尾(tip)、伞尾(ferrule)、上弹簧(top spring)、下弹簧(bottom spring)等。



      ① 雨伞(umbrella)

      ② 遮阳伞(parasol)

      ③ 晴雨伞(sun & rain umbrella)

      ④ 沙滩伞(beach umbrella)

      ⑤ 高尔夫伞(golf umbrella)

      ⑥ 滑翔伞(paraglider)

沙滩伞(beach umbrella)高尔夫伞(golf umbrella)


      ① 直杆伞/一折伞(stick umbrella)

      ② 折叠伞(folding/fodable umbrellas):二折伞(two fold umbrella)、三折伞(three fold umbrella)、五折伞(five fold umbrella)。

折叠伞(folding/fodable umbrellas)

      按伞布材料分类(materials of canopy):

      ① 尼龙伞(nylon umbrella)

      ② 塑料伞(plastic umbrella)

      ③ 油纸伞(oil-paper umbrella)

塑料伞(plastic umbrella)
      油纸伞(oil-paper umbrella)


      ① 翻转雨伞(inverted umbrella)

      ② 酒瓶伞(wine bottle umbrella)

翻转雨伞(inverted umbrella)
      酒瓶伞(wine bottle umbrella)


      伞用途广泛(be widely-used),涉及生活中的诸多领域(umbrellas and parasols have found their way into many areas)。

      ① 遮挡阳光与风沙雨雪(protect somebody from sun, rain, snow, wind, sand…)

      ② 作为鸡尾酒或其他饮料的装饰物(a decoration of cocktails or other drinks)

      ③ 防御攻击或用于攻击(for protection against attacks or as a weapon of attack)

      ④ 在宗教、建筑、摄影、艺术等领域的作用(uses in religion, architecture, photography, art, etc.)


      http://weixin.qq.com/r/IyglPTXEsmjNrXFe930x (二维码自动识别)

       「英语二三事」-- 伞







      小雨(light rain)


      中雨(moderate rain)


      大雨(heavy rain)


      暴雨(torrential rain)




      特大暴雨(heavy downpour)











      毛毛雨(常用来修饰春雨);细雨;微雨 (直径在0.2到0.5毫米之间)

      ● It has only sprinkled, but the roads are slick.


      ● The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through.



      rain heavily / heavy rain 下大雨

      pouring rain 瓢泼大雨

      rainstorm 暴雨

      downpour 大暴雨,倾盆大雨

      thunder storm 大雷雨; 雷电交加的暴风雨

      rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨(较老式)

      sheets (雨丝都连成片了)倾盆大雨

      ● It has been pouring all week.


      ●She was drenched by the sudden downpour.


      ●Eventually, the thunderstorm stopped and we saw a beautiful rainbow in the clouds.


      ● In the middle of the picnic it started to rain cats and dogs, and everybody got soaked.


      ● The rain is coming down in sheets.



      showers 阵雨

      light showers 小雨、中雨之间

      scattered showers 零星阵雨

      thunder shower 雷阵雨

      ●Elsewhere, weak moist flow in South China will bring scattered showers and thunderstormsthrough the region.


      ● The thunder shower's subsiding.



      ice rain 冻雨

      artificial rain 人工降雨

      acid rain 酸雨

      spring rains 春雨

      meteor shower 流星雨

      sleet 冰雨

      plum rain season 梅雨季

      rain spell/rainy season 雨季

      rainy day 雨天

      raindrop 雨点

      rainbow 彩虹

      rainfall 降雨量

      rainfall 雨量

      hail 冰雹

      persistent rain / sustained rainfalls 持续降雨

      floods/floodwater/inundation 洪水

      flash floods 山洪暴发

      water level 水位

      flood level 洪水水位

      warning level 警戒水位

      watercourses 河道/水道

      water discharge 排水量

      water volume 水量

      water reservoirs 水库


      The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarter said on Sunday that water levels in more than 60 rivers in southern China were above the warning levels due to sustained rainfalls in recent days.


      feel as right as rain


      ● You’ll see that if you have a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel as right as rain.


      It never rains but it pours.

      祸不单行 / 坏事接连发生

      ● I broke a fingernail, laddered my tights and then missed my train. It seems it never rains but it pours.


      rain on someone's parade

      浇冷水 / 破坏某人的兴致

      ● I’m having such fun, so please don’t rain on my parade.


      take a rain check


      ● That sounds special, but we're all very busy. We'll take a rain check.


      rain or shine


      ● Don’t worry. I’ll be there for you on Thursday, rain or shine.


      save money for a rainy day


      ● I don’t want to spend this extra money. I’ll save it for a rainy day.




      foldable umbrella 折伞

      automatic umbrella 自动伞

      golf umbrella 大伞


      Rain poncho 雨披

      poncho 斗篷

      Rain coat 雨衣(防水衣)

      Water-proof jacket/hoodie 防水外套

      Hoodie 连帽衫


      Rain boots 雨靴

      Gum boots 橡胶雨靴


      Umbrella hat


      UFO rain cover


      Face Mask



      As long as the mood is sunny, there will be no rainy day.


      The most wonderful thing is not rainy day but the eaves we stayed together.


      Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.




      问题一:雨伞英文怎么说? umbrella[英][?m?brel?][美][?m?br?l?]n.雨伞; 〈比喻〉保护物; [军]空中掩护幕; 总括;
       He left his umbrella in one of the partments.
       2.French president nicolas sarkozy uses a 10000 armour-plated umbrella toprotect him from attackers.
       3.Here's your umbrella and you coat.
       4.My coat and my umbrella please.
       5.A pedestrian shelters from the sun under an umbrella on the pont des art *** ridge on july 8.
       问题二:雨伞用英语怎么说 Umbrella
       问题三:“雨伞”的英文怎么写 umbrella
       在英国,在18世纪才开始使用雨伞。佰纳斯 伞一度是女性的专用品,表示女人对爱情的态度。把伞竖起来,表示对爱情遥坚贞不渝;左手拿着撑开的伞,表示“我现在没有空闲时间”。把伞慢慢晃动,表示没有信心或不信任;把伞靠在右肩,表示不想再见到你。
       问题四:雨伞英语怎么说? 翻译: 最准确的国外说法应该是: the fully retractable umbrella retractable有可伸缩的意思,也就是自动伸缩的雨伞 理解过来就是全自动雨伞 另外还有几种直译的,可能都比较不准确 fully-automatic umbrella fully-automatic =全自动 (如fully-automatic washing machine全自动洗衣机) umbrella = 雨伞 或者Full Automatic Umbrella 也可以
       问题五:伞用英语怎么说? umbrella
       伞, 雨伞, 庇护
       A device for protection from the weather consisting of a collapsible, usually circular canopy mounted on a central rod.
       Something that covers or protects.
       Air cover, especially during a military operation.
       Something that enpasses or covers many different elements or groups.
       Zoology The gelatinous, rounded mass that is the major part of the body of most jellyfish.
       【动物学】 水母伞膜:大多数水母的身体的大部分的胶质的圆形物质
       问题六:雨伞的英文单词怎么读 umbrella
       问题七:雨伞英文怎么说? umbrella[英][?m?brel?][美][?m?br?l?]n.雨伞; 〈比喻〉保护物; [军]空中掩护幕; 总括;
       He left his umbrella in one of the partments.
       2.French president nicolas sarkozy uses a 10000 armour-plated umbrella toprotect him from attackers.
       3.Here's your umbrella and you coat.
       4.My coat and my umbrella please.
       5.A pedestrian shelters from the sun under an umbrella on the pont des art *** ridge on july 8.
       问题八:雨伞用英语怎么说 Umbrella
       问题九:雨伞用英语怎么读 umbrella
       问题十:雨伞英语怎么说? 翻译: 最准确的国外说法应该是: the fully retractable umbrella retractable有可伸缩的意思,也就是自动伸缩的雨伞 理解过来就是全自动雨伞 另外还有几种直译的,可能都比较不准确 fully-automatic umbrella fully-automatic =全自动 (如fully-automatic washing machine全自动洗衣机) umbrella = 雨伞 或者Full Automatic Umbrella 也可以



      umbrella 读法 英[ʌmˈbrelə]美[ʌmˈbrelə]



      1、The Blue Umbrella蓝雨伞之恋;蓝雨伞;小蓝伞;蓝色的伞

      2、umbrella species伞护种;伞物种



      shadow 读法 英[ˈʃædəʊ]美[ˈʃædoʊ]









